The Tories have been planning this
since the 2010 Election and have been slowly introducing Universal Credit since
The Tories say it will encourage more
people back to work
It will be more efficient than previous
It will improve people’s lives and raise
their incomes
More people back to work?- in minimum wage, zero hour contract or other unreliable jobs!
More people back to work?- in minimum wage, zero hour contract or other unreliable jobs!
· More efficient? You can only apply for
Universal Credit online, and only get messages about UC online. But many don’t
have the internet at home, and with the closing of many public libraries with
free internet access, many a will be forced to pay to use a cybercafé. Already, people have to wait six weeks or longer
to receive their first UC payment. This causes hardship to many who have no
savings to rely on.
taken from the unemployed, the disabled, the needy
When fully implemented millions will be
worse off. What this is really about is cutting social security.Housing subsidy will be cut creating more homeless.
Disability elements cut or abolished
Some rates lower than current benefit rates.
Support for child care massively cut.
Easier sanctioning, forcing people off UC to live on nothing.
UC will be time-limite.
Many have turned to Citizens Advice - one in ten of those already claiming UC.The six weeks already means referrals to food banks, many getting in arrears with their rent, resulting in evictions. One foodbank has said that its referrals have doubled. Two south
London boroughs have said that half of the claimants there have gone into further debt as a result.
“While the Universal Credit will in many cases increase the financial incentive for one person in couple households to move into some form of employment, incentives for many second earners will be weakened in comparison to the current situation…This will particularly affect women as they are more likely to be the second earners in households and they usually earn less than men and do more informal caring work. Worryingly, the Government finds ‘that any such risk of decreased work incentives for women in couples is justified.’ … this could mark the start of a return to a ‘male breadwinner model’ in which men do paid work and women stay at home to look after children and other dependants.” (Women’s Budget Group)
Way Forward
Universal Credit could be the equivalent of the Poll
Tax for the May regime. The Thatcher government’s very unpopular Poll Tax
resulted in mass non-payment, riots and the eventual resignation of Thatcher.
This government is weak and fragile and mass resistance
could topple it. But we have to turn the despair at worsening conditions into a
positive anger and a determination to resist. But don’t rely on the Labour
Party to help. All they can offer is not abolition of UC but a tinkering with
Already the Tories have been forced to climb down over
the 55p a minute Universal Credit helpline charge. As well as that, twelve back
bench Tory MPs are worried about a Poll Tax style scenario and about their
seats and asked the
Work and Pensions Secretary David Gauke to pause the roll out back
in September 2017.
message has to be NO! We won’t pay for your crisis!
Anarchist Communists
London Anarchist Communists blog
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